Saturday, July 7, 2012

Dr. Goldstein on Presidio ISD SSEP Team 2 Oral Presentation

As SSEP National Program Director, and the creator of SSEP, I cannot imagine a more rewarding experience in terms of what this program was designed to be, than watching the research team from Presidio's Lucy Rede Franco Middle School on stage at the Smithsonian Institution. Their presentation defined a meritorious microgravity research program, provided comprehensive details of their analysis protocol, and the coordination between presenters - and presence - was stunning. The caliber of thought and professionalism exhibited by these young researchers was worthy of any professional research conference.  Yet these were 7th graders - amazing. To Lisa Marie Pena, Juan Nieto, Vanessa Rohanna, Alma Baeza and Maxwell Ferguson, America, your nation, is very very proud of you.

To Superintendent Dennis McEntire, SSEP Community Program Co-Director Shella Condino, and all the Teacher Facilitators like LRFMS's Ernesto Monte, what you have done with hundreds of students in Presidio, Texas, through the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program, speaks directly to America's future, and will ensure that Presidio, TX, is represented in America's next generation of scientists and engineers. From the SSEP National Team, thank you. 

Jeff Goldstein 
Center Director
SSEP National Program Director
National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (NCESSE)

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