Friday, July 6, 2012

Presidio ISD SSEP Team 2 Rehearsal

The Road to 2012 SSEP National Conference

A team from middle school was chosen as one of the community finalists for SSEP Mission 2 to International Space Station.  Out of a hundred and plus entries from both high school and middle school, one 7th Grade team has submitted a space flight experiment proposal that captured the interest of the panel of judges.

The selection proved to be a motivating factor for this team.  The countless hours of research and after school sessions did not deter them from finishing the job that they have started.  The proposal underwent tremendous revisions after going through the panel's scrutiny.  What proved to be the most difficult challenge that they ever faced was transforming their experiment into a nanoscale in order to meet the technical aspects of measurement and specifications. 

They managed to submit the final draft on time and waited anxiously for the review and final decision from NCESSE board.  The proposal was not accepted for flight and was awarded honorable mention.  The team accepted the decision with an open mind.  The feedback given by the NCESSE board on their proposal was comprehensive and contained a great deal of positive comments that they take as great pointers for the next opportunity. 

The team was invited to participate in SSEP National Conference in Washington DC together with the flight experiment from high school.  The Superintendent had managed to convince the School Board to allow these students to participate.  The students were ecstatic when they learned that they are going to fly to Washington DC to present and experience the 4th of July celebration....and the rest was history.

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